O.K So I know its been a while but what can I say I have a life right !!haha atleast I like to think I do.between changing diapers and running to the store.Life is busy but we have done alot we always take fishing trips and Camping is a must.But the other weekend we went Camping and so got rained out ugh..It sucked but the camping part was fun!!!Other than that I havent done much.Im Happy to say that I got my G.E.D.Its been a while but I finally got it !!!I'm so stickin HAPPY!!!!Now im on my way to becoming a Message Therapist!!! I'll be starting school in July as long as everthing pans out!!but to say the least I am one EXCITED Lady!!!Hope you All are haveing a wonderfull Day.Still trying to firuger out what im going to be doing today....????
Had to add a picture!!
Isn't she a doll!!I LOVE her so much!!