Wow.... Has it been forever or what!!
I can not believe I'm able to reconnect back to this personal little blog I made oh so many years ago!! What started as a little outlet led me to follow some amazing ladies on here. That when I started this was an outlet to share stories and and my life we had our daughter. A close friend told me I should start a blog.... She started one, it was easy, So I did.. I continued to get on and off here and there then I completely stopped. On October 2012. No real reason life started getting busy. A lot.. Tonight I got a phone call from my sister... It went a little like this. "So guess what I came across on Facebook"...... Me- Ummm I have no idea what??? Her- take a guess... Me- randomly saying things I see on Facebook as I scroll and talk to her.. we get off topic because well that happens often! We finish talking about random stuff, and she asks again "So guess what I seen on Facebook.. I say okay I give up. So she says "Just the 3 of us" and I could not believe it. I said Liv I use to have a blog with that name.. and she said no its a show... I was like no seriously and she said check your Facebook messages. I check and look where I found myself back on here! I thought there's no way I will be able to even remember how to do anything on here, but it seems to all come back so naturally! Oh how I missed this little space!! Well if any one is interested obviously there has been so much change in the 9 years!! Stick around and I will surely update you on everything and this space certainly could use alot of updating!! Wait till you see Gabby!!